Traditional Mitel Phone System

Testing and Validating PMS Integration with Hyatt/Encore and HIS Protocols on Mitel Systems

The integration of Property Management Systems (PMS) with Mitel voice mail systems, particularly using Hyatt/Encore and HIS protocols, is crucial for ensuring seamless operations in hospitality settings. These protocols are designed to maintain data integrity between the PMS server and the Mitel voice mail system by utilizing a Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC) at the end of each message string. This article will provide detailed instructions on calculating the LRC, testing the integration, and troubleshooting common issues.

1. Understanding PMS Protocols: Hyatt/Encore and HIS

Mitel Express Messenger (MEM) and embedded versions use PMS protocols such as HIS and Hyatt/Encore to facilitate communication between the PMS server and the voice mail system. These protocols rely on the LRC, a type of checksum, to ensure that data transmitted from the PMS to the voice mail system is accurate and free from corruption.

The LRC is calculated by converting the characters of a message string into hexadecimal values, performing an exclusive OR (XOR) operation on these values, and then converting the result back to a character that is appended to the end of the message string. This process is crucial for confirming that the message received is exactly as intended.

2. Calculating the Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC)

The LRC is appended to the end of each PMS message string to verify its integrity. To illustrate, let’s break down the process using an example with the HIS protocol to check in a room.

Example Calculation:

Let’s check in room 478 using the HIS protocol:

  • Message String Without LRC: ^B2478 ^C
  • ^B = Start of Text
  • 2 = HIS function code for check-in
  • 478 = Room number
  • = Three spaces
  • ^C = End of Text

Steps to Calculate LRC:

  1. Convert Each Character to Hexadecimal:
    Use an ASCII conversion chart to convert each character in the message string (excluding ^B and ^C) to its hexadecimal equivalent:
  • 2 = 32
  • 4 = 34
  • 7 = 37
  • 8 = 38
  • sp (space) = 20 (for each space)
  1. Perform XOR on the Hexadecimal Values:
    Apply XOR (exclusive OR) to all hexadecimal values:
  • 32 XOR 34 XOR 37 XOR 38 XOR 20 XOR 20 XOR 20 XOR 03 = 2A
  1. Convert the Result to a Character:
    Convert the hexadecimal result (2A) back to a character using the ASCII chart. In this case, 2A corresponds to * (asterisk).
  2. Append the LRC to the Message String:
    The final message string with LRC will be: ^B2478 ^C*.

The LRC ensures that when the message is received by the voice mail system, it can confirm that the message hasn’t been altered during transmission.

Sample ASCII to Hex Conversion Chart:

CharacterASCII ValueHex Value
^C (ETX)303

3. Testing the PMS Integration

Testing the PMS integration involves simulating check-in and check-out processes to verify that the voice mail system responds correctly. This is typically done by sending pre-constructed message strings from a laptop to the PMS or voice mail system.

Testing Procedure:

  1. Use a Communications Program:
    Use a program like ProComm that supports macro keys to input and send the message string. This is important because the timeout for receiving a message is too short to manually type the command.
  2. Create a Macro for the Test String:
    Create a macro in the program to automate sending the check-in command (e.g., ^B2478 ^C*).
  3. Send the Test String:
    Send the test string to the voice mail system. If the room checks in successfully, proceed to the next step.
  4. Verify the Check-In:
    After the command is processed, try leaving a voicemail for the room. If the room was checked in correctly, the system should allow the voicemail to be left without issues. If not, the system might transfer the call to the attendant.

4. Troubleshooting Common Issues

If the system does not respond as expected during testing, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check the LRC Calculation:
    Ensure the LRC was calculated correctly. Any mistake in the XOR operation or character conversion can cause the system to reject the message.
  • Network Connectivity:
    Verify that your laptop is connected to the correct network and that IP addresses and socket numbers are configured properly.
  • PMS Message Format:
    Ensure the message string conforms to the format specified in the documentation. Even minor discrepancies can result in communication failures.

5. Final Validation and Regular Testing

After successfully testing the PMS integration, it’s advisable to perform regular validation checks. This helps ensure that the system remains functional over time and can handle real-world conditions without issues.

Regular testing should include:

  • Recalculating LRC for Different Strings:
    Perform LRC calculations for various check-in, check-out, and guest service scenarios to ensure that the system handles all operations correctly.
  • Monitoring Data Integrity:
    Keep an eye on system logs and reports to catch any anomalies in data transmission, which might indicate issues with the PMS integration.


Proper calculation and testing of the Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC) are crucial for maintaining reliable PMS integration with Mitel voice mail systems using Hyatt/Encore and HIS protocols. By following the detailed steps outlined above and utilizing the provided ASCII to Hex conversion chart, you can ensure that your integration is robust, accurate, and ready for operation. Regular testing and validation will help maintain system integrity and prevent potential disruptions in service.

Check out Optimizing Wyndham Phone Systems: Enhancing Communication and Guest Satisfaction, How to Choose the Best Phone System for Your Hotel: A Step-by-Step Guide, Integrating Wyndham Phone Systems with Opera or SynXis for Seamless PBX and PMS Operations, and The Evolution of Hospitality Phone Solutions: Enhancing Guest Experience and Operational Efficiency.


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  1. […] PMS integration allows for automatic updates to guest information, room status, and billing. Testing and validating this integration is essential to avoid […]